St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Oak Harbor

By God's Grace, All Are Welcome

Who We Are



Welcome to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church!

Have you ever wondered what it means when a church says, "All Are Welcome"?

A quick review of the Miriam-Webster Dictionary provides the following.

All = "the whole number or sum of" and Welcome = "to accept with pleasure the occurrence or presence of all"

When you come to St. Stephen's "All Are Welcome" means that we accept the whole of God's creation with great pleasure and joy!

We welcome YOU!


St. Stephen's is a LGBTQ+ welcoming and affirming congregation.





Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the indigenous people who first resided here.  Bands of the Skagit Tribe lived around Oak Harbor. We honor with gratitude this land and the lives of the Skagit people.

Related Information

Come and See Clergy News from our Diocese What to Expect