Mission Statement
Our mission is to worship, love, and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, welcoming everyone, deepening our faith, helping our neighbors, and caring for creation.
We are blessed that you have come to worship with us today.
Our service, based on the practice of the early church, is drawn from the Book of Common
Prayer, the Hebrew Scriptures and the Newer Testament of the Holy Bible, and other sources
approved for our use by The Episcopal Church USA. Please enjoy the drama of our worship,
watch to see what others do, and follow this service booklet. Sing the hymns, pray the prayers,
and join us in celebrating God’s love for us all.
Episcopalians consider all baptized persons to be members of Christ’s Church. Wherever you
are on your journey of faith, you are invited to come to the Lord’s Table and receive the Lord
Jesus Christ in the consecrated Bread (or Host) and Wine. To receive communion, accept the Host in the palm of your hand, consume it, and guide the chalice to your lips. You may choose to receive just the bread and not the wine by crossing your arms after receiving the bread.
If you do not wish to receive communion, we invite you to come to the altar for God’s blessing
through a priest. For a blessing, cross your arms on your chest. If you cannot come to the altar
rail, the ministers will gladly bring communion to you in your pew. Just let an usher know.
If you enjoy your time with us, consider coming back and asking about our ministries in the
areas of worship and music, prayer, community outreach, communications, and Christian
May God richly bless you, this day and forever!
We acknowledge the indigenous people who first resided here on this beautiful land where we live, work, and gather for worship. The Bands of the Lower Skagit Tribe continue to live in and around Oak Harbor. We remember and honor their spiritual and living connection to this land, these waters, their culture, their elders: past, present, and yet to come.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Oak Harbor, Washington
Is a member of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church USA,
and the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
555 SE Regatta Drive
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2754
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Office Hours
Monday – Wednesday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Father Paul’s Hours
Mon 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wed 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Healing Service Wed 12:00 pm
Book/Bible Study Wed 2:00 pm
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church is an LGBTQ+
welcoming and affirming congregation